Dear little Miss Sydney Alyse.....
Thank heavens that you are feeling better and out of the hospital!!! We were only there for a week, but that was longer than a lifetime to have our little precious baby couped up in a little room with a feeding tube, and stuck to an I.V. You were a little trooper though. The last few days that we were there, you actually started pushing your I.V pole around with you, like it was a new way of living. But, as soon as they taught me, your mommy, how to put a feeding tube in your nose, we left!!!! You had a very ecstatic look about your face when I took you out of the hospital and we got into the car seat. You didn't even care that you had to be were glad. We got home that night, and you got to play with your own toys, and see your favorite person of all time.....KADEN. :) I love that the two of you play so well together!!! When the time came for bed, you almost leapt out of my arms for your own crib, and drifted off to sleep.
6 A.M rolled around and I got a kiss on my cheek from your daddy. Time for work....but, all of the sudden you were screaming bloody murder. We both ran to your aid, to find milk all over your bed, and an enormous grin across your face with your feeding tube out and in hand. And ever since that day, you've been drinking your bottles more throwing up, and definitely no more feeding tube. It was that day I realized, I was in trouble.....You are the most determined not even one year old I've met! You will do amazing things in this life, and I have no doubt that you'll succeed. Each morning you wake up with a smile on your face, full of love and joy for what the day will bring. I admire you Sydney Sue.....and love you more than you will know. Keep it up, but NEVER forget, mommy is always here for you! =)
Pretty sure I got teary eyed. Thanks Kel
thanks. I try :) lol. you guys coming saturday?
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