Thursday, February 24, 2011

Round 2

As many of you know, Sydney Alyse tends to throw up a lot....We've been battling with finding answers since the throwing up started almost 9 months ago. She eats a ton, and is always wanting to eat, but with the amount of throwing up, was losing weight very quickly. Thus beginning the process of finding answers. She went into the hospital back in October for dehydration after not holding ANYTHING down for a whole weekend. We did a few tests and were there for a week not finding out anything. She has tested positive for a few allergies to foods, but that was all we knew. So we've been doing food elimination and having varying results for some time now. She lost a pound in a week (we were checking her weight very frequently with all of the throwing up) and this alarmed her GI (gastrointerologist) to where he said we needed to admit her to the hospital again. This was a very scary moment for me as a mom and something I hope that no one goes through. Luckily, the hospital was very busy, so they told us that as soon as a bed opened, we would be going in. I say luckily, because this gave us a chance to come home, reflect and give her a blessing, all of which calmed my nerves and helped shake our fears (a little). So, we got a call from the hospital saying that they wanted to do another Scope/biopsy on Monday morning and then they were going to admit her after that to watch her closely. We had done this once before, with negative results, so this time we were just praying for answers. And they came! Sydney Sue has something called Eosiniphillic Esophagitis.......bahaha. (E.E) I laugh because if you're reading this wondering what the heck it is, those were my exact thoughts! But what it is, is basically an extreme food allergy, in which her body can't handle 7 main foods. Her esophagus over time deteriorates which causes it to swell and cause her to throw up tons. Her esophagus is basically super sensitive, and there's only certain things we can do to help her. They have her on what is called a 6 food elimination diet, even though there's 7 foods to avoid. When they checked her for this the first time, her body hadn't fully grown into it, which is why we didn't have results. But, she is allergic, or has an intolerance to wheat, soy, dairy, fish, eggs, peanuts/tree nuts, and corn. Those are the triggers for E.E, but Sydney is also allergic to oats, beef and pork. So, basically she can eat fruits, vegetables (as long as it's not corn) and chicken. She can have different grains, but we're still looking into those. But, we will be working with her doctors closely to find out which one of those is the main reason she's throwing up. So, in the next few years, we will be doing a scope/biopsy check every 3-6 months after re-introducing her to one or two of those common foods at a time. Sydney is such a sweetheart, and we have learned so much throughout this process. It has been very tough at times, and so hard/frustrating to keep positive. But through prayer, fasting, and blessings, we've been able to extremely reduce the throwing up (she's only thrown up like 3 times in 2 months.....opposed to at least 3 times a day).

She was a little upset before surgery so they gave her something to help her relax a little....

The awesome fitting gowns they had at the Phoenix Children's.....along with yummy dinner :)

Wheat/gluten free bread with turkey....

Meikle brought Subway for me....Sydney may not be able to eat wheat, but wheat/gluten free bread tastes icky ;-P

We are so grateful to have her in our lives and feel very blessed to have the good support team we do. :) Thank you to all that have been there with us and brought us meals and sent all your love and blessings to our family. We appreciate them more than you know, and our happy to report that Sydney is a trooper and she's gaining weight quickly and happily......


Sarah and Chris said...

I don't know if you know this but my sister, Carolyn, 2 of her kids have the same allergies and she has lots of recipes and can even recommend some cookbooks if you are ever in need of things to make for Sydney.

Kelley said...

Thanks Sarah! I keep meaning to contact her and get some recipes/cookbook ideas from her. And I just haven't gotten around to it! :) I will definitely try get a hold of her soon! Thanks

Unknown said...

Kelley will you send me your email address. Ahh reading your trials reminds me so much of my life except my kids do not throw up as much as your little one. It is very interesting that my children have almost all of the same allergies. I will have to research more about EE and see if that is something we might have. Cayden is our test child. He has had all the stool samples, blood tests and now the scope is our next avenue. My email address.
and I will send you some great recipes even a bread recipe that turns out and we all eat it.

Kelley said...

That is so crazy! Ya, E.E is a newer disorder, and the first scope showed Sydney didn't have it, but she grew into it. I hope you can find answers with Cayden! It's super frustrating!!! :) Thanks!!! My email is . I'll pass along any good recipes we find! We're still new with coming up with recipes for the whole family versus just giving Sydney fruits and veggies. But, working on it, so she can feel included! I'm not a cook by any means either, so it has been a challenge :) It's the Lord's secret way of making me a chef. Heheh.